Wednesday 14 March 2012

How to remove your eye-makeup

I have asked my friends to send me their makeup dilemmas and one that all of them mentioned was removing their makeup, especially eye-makeup. The problem seems to be that no matter how hard you try, a little bit of mascara always seems to remain as if it was too happy living between your lashes to ever leave. This is especially the case if you use waterproof mascara. And then all that rubbing just leaves your eyes red and sore and makes your lashes fall out. There must be a better way, right? Of course there is.

What to use

There are a number of ways to remove your eye-makeup. You can use special makeup removing wipes that are soaked in makeup remover. Always read the ingredients list. I would advise to avoid any that contains alcohol, and if you have sensitive skin, forget about parfumes as well. Another way is using a cotton pad or cotton ball with makeup remover (again, check for ingredients). And some people even use extra virgin olive oil or other natural oils. This latter one may sound crazy but natural oils are often used in cosmetics, they moisturize and contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help make skin and hair soft and shiny. Oil works really well on waterproof makeup, often better than a makeup remover designed for it, and it's also a lot cheaper.

How to remove makeup
The most importan thing first: forget about rubbing altogether! It makes your skin go red with irritation and pulls it all around, streching it. The skin of your eyelids is very, very sensitive and delicate and as such, it wrinkles easily. Now tell me who wants to make their eyes go wrinkly before time? I don't. Also, rubbing can and will make your lashes shed. Oh, I know the temptation of trying to get rid of that makeup quickly when you are tired and all you want is your bed, but seriously, it's just not worth it.

Instead of rubbing, place whatever makeup remover you are using onto the makeup and press it on gently. Leave it like that for a few seconds to give it time to dissolve the makeup and then gently wipe the makeup away. Use a generous amount of product (this is something you cannot really manage with the prepared wipes unfortunately) and repeat this step as many times as necessary. If you are having difficulty getting the mascara off from between the lashes, just take a cotton bud (q tip) for precision and use that with your makeup remover product. Once you have your makeup off, wash the makeup remover off your face with clean water or use your face cleanser product. If you are not using waterproof makeup you can make removing it even easier if you gently wash your face with clean water first (if you have a shower or a bath anyway, why not just run some water down your face for a few seconds?). This will start dissolving your makeup preparing it for the remover. Granted, you will not look pretty with dark streaks of makeup on your face but believe me, this simple step works wonders.

I hope this helps, please let me know :)

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